Tartaruga que urina pela boca, conhecida como tartaruga chinesa de casco mole (Pelodiscus sinensis), encontrada na Ásia. O sistema excretor deste animal é compl...etamente diferente ao que estamos acostumados: apesar de urinar da maneira usual (cloaca), a maior parte da uréia é excretada pela boca, quando o animal abaixa a cabeça em poças. Acredita-se que seja uma forma de sobreviver com mais facilidade no meio salubre em que estes animais são encontrados, pois através do rim seria necessária uma quantidade maior de água, algo inviável na água mais salgada, ou, segundo o biólogo Yeung Kwon que participou da descoberta, a capacidade poderia ser evolutivamente ligada à forma como alguns mamíferos, como morcegos, bovinos e caprinos, "reciclam" nitrogênio, excretando ureia através de sua saliva.
Turtle that urine through the mouth, known as chinese softshell turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis), found in Asia. The animal's excretory system is completely different to what we are used to: although urinate in the usual manner (cloaca), most of the urea is excreted through the mouth when the animal lowers its head in puddles. It is believed to be one way to survive more easily in brackish environment in which the animals are found, sense through the kidney requires a larger amount of water, something not feasible in such salt water, or, according to biologist Yeung Kwon who participated in discovery, the capacity could be evolutionarily linked to how some mammals, such as bats, cattle and goats, "recycle" nitrogen by excreting urea through saliva.
Photo: Kim Pardi
Other photo: http://ow.ly/hegtM
source: http://ow.ly/hefES / http://ow.ly/hefHJ
Turtle that urine through the mouth, known as chinese softshell turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis), found in Asia. The animal's excretory system is completely different to what we are used to: although urinate in the usual manner (cloaca), most of the urea is excreted through the mouth when the animal lowers its head in puddles. It is believed to be one way to survive more easily in brackish environment in which the animals are found, sense through the kidney requires a larger amount of water, something not feasible in such salt water, or, according to biologist Yeung Kwon who participated in discovery, the capacity could be evolutionarily linked to how some mammals, such as bats, cattle and goats, "recycle" nitrogen by excreting urea through saliva.
Photo: Kim Pardi
Other photo: http://ow.ly/hegtM
source: http://ow.ly/hefES / http://ow.ly/hefHJ
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